Le restaurant du Trinquet d'Arcangues
Lieux à visiter à Dax

Dax Fontaine Chaude
and Places of Interest

Landes - South West France

Dax - Première Ville Thermale de France

In the town centre, the "Fontaine Chaude" (Hot Spring Fountain), is surrounded by a Romanesque wall, with constant running warm water of 64°

hot spring fountain in dax hot spring fountain in dax

Direct quote Dax Tourist guide :

"Is it only to be discovered under the warmth and light of the hot summer sun ? Or is it at night, with the rain beating down, that it is at its most intriguing, that magic moment when the cool water merges with that of the fountain (64°), turning into effervescent vapours creeping slowly upwards above the roof tops... leaving us childlike, gaping at this natural spectacle wide-eyed with wonder"

Dax CathedralDax Fortifications

Crypte Archéologique : Temple Gallo-Roman 2th Century - Rue Cazade

La rue des Fusillés : At No. 17 the "Comet" house in which lived St. Vincent de Paul during his studies at Dax.

Splendid Hotel : Luxurious Palace of Eugene Millies-Lacroix. At this location was a castle built in the Middle Ages.

Hotel des Thermes : from the architect Jean Nouvel