locations de vacances à Vieux-Boucau

Restaurants in Messanges

Messanges on the Côte d'Argent
Landes, south west France

Locations de vacances et ventes Rive Gauche Vieux Boucau

Hotel La Paloma à Hossegor The Restaurant du Trinquet d'Arcangues

Bar-Snack de la Plage Open from June 15th to mid-October.

On the beach.
La Grange aux Pierres Good food and local specialties, in an original decor.

745 chemin de Camentron.
La Hitillere Local produce, friendly atmosphere.

9 avenue de l’Océan.
Noolie’s Pizzeria Sandwicherie Artisanal pizzas and take away food.

Route des lacs.
Restaurants in the Landes and the Basque Country Visit Messanges