la paloma hôtel de charme à hossegor
le Roi Leon par © Jean Duverdier

Fêtes de Bayonne 2018

Wednesday 25th July thru Sunday 29th July

Fêtes de Bayonne
fetes de Bayonne/© CDT64

The Fêtes de Bayonne begin on Wednesday evening at 10pm when the keys to the town are thrown from the Town Hall balcony to the crowd massed below.

The town then belongs to the 'festayres', dressed in in red and white, for five days and nights of partying.

  • The giant Leon/© CDT64
  • Giants at the fêtes de Bayonne/© CDT64
  • Banda fêtes de Bayonne/© CDT64
  • Restaurant on a street CDT64
  • Course de vaches/© Ph Laplace/CDT64
  • Encierro Txiki/© CDT64

The giant King Léon keeps an eye on things from his throne on the Town Hall balcony, where he is woken up each morning by the visiting children and his court of giants stroll the streets of Bayonne as another day of partying gets under way.

Some of the events during the Fetes...

the Foulée du Festayre, a foot race from the Côte des Basques in Biarritz
The Omelette aux Piments World Championships at the market

Thursday Is the children's day
Choco Yamboun (chocolate), Encierro Txiki (a bull run for the kids with papiermache toros on wheels), concerts, pelote..

Games of pelote basque, course de vaches,concerts etc.

The tamborrada or parade of massed drummers is noisy and impressive, followed by the parachute descents into town, the traditional course de vaches in the afternoon, the evening carnival parade and concerts around town in the night.

Is Pamplona Day (Bayonne's twin town)
The marching bands Mess at 11am at the Church of Saint Andrew, corrida in the afternoon, fireworks at night.

Rue Poissonnerie Bayonne/© CDTA

The fiesta is everywhere

Music of the bandas is in the streets, the restaurants, bars and peñas are never empty.

A fun fair takes place in the garden behind the town hall.

Visit the Fetes de Bayonne website for the latest information and advice about public transport, parking etc.
or Tourist office Bayonne

Summer Events in Bayonne Visit Bayonne Corridas in Bayonne